Follow Up… Don’t be like Stewie!

Have you ever wondered how long you should continue following up with a prospect?  Maybe you have called and called and left message after message and the person doesn’t call you back. Or maybe the person has told you, “I’m interested!” but never takes the first step to join your business.  Not only can this be frustrating, but for many of us, following up begins to feel like stalking.  Maybe you think that your follow up looks something like this:

If so, a simple shift in focus might help you overcome your qualms about following up AND create better results.  Of course, Stewie does get Lois’ attention eventually, but not in a good way!  Rather than focusing on signing up your prospects, focus on getting to know them.  If you shift your focus to relationship building, you won’t get frustrated, and it’s more likely that the person on the other end of the line will eventually choose to do business with you.

For some great tips on how to build relationships with your prospects, be sure to join us for our monthly Network Marketing Dream Team Community Call on May 3rd.  For details on the call, join our Network Marketing Dream Team Community!

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